- Citation :
- Leet Translator by L337 D00d
Try this l33t translator.
Type in here, and see the words translate to l33t.
Try this l33t translator.
Typ3 in h3r3, and s33 th3 words translat3 to l33t.
20% - 30%
Try th1s l33t tr4nsl4t0r.
Typ3 1n h3r3, 4nd s33 th3 w0rds tr4nsl4t3 t0 l33t.
Tr¥ th1$ £33t tr4n$£4t0r.
T¥p3 1n h3r3, 4nÐ $33 th3 w0rÐ$ tr4n$£4t3 t0 £33t.
50% - 60%
7r¥ 7h1$ £337 7r4n$£470r.
7¥p3 1n h3r3, 4nÐ $33 7h3 w0rÐ$ 7r4n$£473 70 £337.
70% - 80%
7r¥ 7|-|1$ £337 7r4|\|$£470r.
7¥p3 1|\| |-|3r3, 4|\|Ð $33 7|-|3 \/\/0rÐ$ 7r4|\|$£473 70 £337.
90% - 100%
¥ 7|-|1$ £337 7
7¥p3 1|\| |-|3
3, 4|\|Ð $33 7|-|3 \/\/0
Ð$ 7
4|\|$£473 70 £337.
100% with Alternate l33t character
7|2¥ 7|-|¡§ £337 7|2@|\|§£@70|2.
7¥p€ ¡|\| |-|€|2€, @|\|þ §€€ 7|-|€ \/\/0|2þ§ 7|2@|\|§£@7€ 70 £337.
PS t'avais raison Damien, ca peut devenir chaud a lire