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 How to get a list of all open ports on Windows 7, Vista and XP?

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Messages : 226
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2010

How to get a list of all open ports on Windows 7, Vista and XP? Empty
MessageSujet: How to get a list of all open ports on Windows 7, Vista and XP?   How to get a list of all open ports on Windows 7, Vista and XP? I_icon_minitimeMer 8 Sep - 14:53

There is a small freeware Utility called CurrPorts from Nirsoft that displays all open ports on windows.

Download CurrPorts to your computer:

32Bit version: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.zip

64Bit version: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports-x64.zip

Unpack the .zip file and double click on the file cports.exe to start CurrPorts. The application will show you a list of all open ports and offers the ability to apply filters on the list.

How to get a list of all open ports on Windows 7, Vista and XP? Currports
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